May 30, 2008


Berikutan kekumpauan yang menimpa ilpjanglers pada trip ke tuas beberapa bulan yang lalu.. trip kedua ke tuas Yan menyusul apabila komplot ke tuas oleh Ah Meng (member bokri) bagi menjejaki tenggiri telah dirancang pada 23 Mei.Menurut Ah Meng 2 minggu sebelum itu spesis ini telah berjaya ditumpaskan sebanyak 30 ekor... banyak tuhh...

Komplot kali ini bermula seawal jam 5 pagi.. iaitu berkumpul di pasar borong alor star.. buat apa lagi cari umpan kembung laa.. tekong dah pesan kul 7 satgi cam mana pun kena keluar dah sebab ayaq surut awai.. kalau lambat satgi pakai mengail kat tandop dulang tu laa jawapnyaaa..

Lebih kurang jam 6.45 pagi kami sampai di sungai dulang.. bila tengok ayaq dah semakin surut .. apa lagi cepat2 bawa naik kelengkapan bertarung ke atas bot.. tekong pun dah ada.. alhamdulillah sempat gak bot keluar menyusuri kuala yang dah semakin menampakkan dasar lumpur tuh..

beberapa buah bot sedang mencari borek idup..

Perjalanan ke tuas ni dirasakan agak jauh kerana menurut Ah Meng tuas kali ni baru berusia 3 bulan.. dan agak jauh dari tuas-tuas yang lain .. ermmm kalau hasilnya berbaloi jauh pun x pa..tak lama kami pun sampai ke lubuk yang di tuju.. apa lagi.. senjata yang dah siap dipasang dari tadi segera di labuhkan mencari mangsa...

hasil pertama pagi tu.. golok lebih kurang 2 kg

tak sampai 2 jam sudah hampir 6 ekor tenggiri di tumpaskan...

gancu! gancu! pertarungan Ah Meng disaksikan oleh tekong ...

Di dalam keseronokan bertarung itu tiba2 hari menjadi kelam dan kelihatan awan hitam sedang menuju ke arah kami... dan.. tiba2 hujan turun dengan lebatnya... walaupun dalam keadaan hujan lebat tenggiri masih berselera menyambar umpan tetapi sayangnya saat itu tidak dapat dirakam atas faktor keselamatan kamera..

keseluruhan hasil tangkapan
tenggiri : 20 ekor
golok/belitung : 10 ekor
kerisi,cencaru : tak dan kira...

acara membahagi hasil tangkapan

Secara keseluruhannya trip kali ini dianggap amat berjaya dan sudah pasti trip yang lain pula akan menyusul selepas ini... insyaallah...

May 22, 2008


Di bawah ini adalah jenis-jenis perambut yang digunakan untuk pancingan ikan air tawar.Koleksi perambut ini adalah hasil tangan Bro Heraja MFN.. Bro... lu memang otai perambut lah..cayalah

May 11, 2008


Demersal Fish

A demersal fish is a fish or other aquatic animal that feeds on or near the bottom of the ocean in the demersal zone. They are also known as bottom feeders or groundfish, and may be contrasted with pelagic fish. Some species of catfish, such as the members of the genus Corydoras, are demersal fish. Other examples include cod, haddock, whiting, halibut, perch, snapper, eel, grouper, bream, bass, flounder, plaice, sole, and demersal shark. Compared to pelagic fish, they contain little oil (1 to 4%).

May 07, 2008


We all know that shrimp is a staple for many inshore game fish, but do we all know how to rig them for different situations? Wonder if you want distance out of your cast, can this be done using the same rig as for free-lining? Pictured below are different methods and techniques that can be used when using live shrimp as bait. Remember that small to medium shrimp will take a lot of smaller fish, but when your going after the bigger fish, the largest shrimp available will be more appealing to them plus it will discourage the smaller fish from stealing your bait. Another tip would be to use the smallest hook and the least amount of weight that you can to do the job.

Short Distance Casting Rig

The horn rig will maintain the liveliness of you shrimp if you avoid putting the hook through the stomach (dark or translucent spot behind the eyes, or it's pancreas, the dark spot behind the stomach).

1) Gently insert your hook under the shrimps horn making sure that you go between the stomach and pancreas taking care not to damage these organs. If hooked correctly the shrimp will remain alive and active as it settles to the bottom. This rig will also work well when using a float or popping cork. Care must be taken though when popping the cork as to not getting to aggressive and tearing the shrimp off.

The in-line rig also will keep the shrimp alive and active. This rig can be used for slowly working the shrimp along the bottom.

1) Again avoid the shrimps stomach and pancreas. Put the hook under the shrimps chin and up through it head avoiding the vital organs. Try to bring the hook out through the top of it's head as close to center as possible to maintain balance.
2) You can slowly retrieve it, and pause it every now and then to allow the shrimp to twitch and snap on it's own. The shrimp won't live as long with this rig as it does with the horn rig.

Long Distance Casting Rig

When a long cast is essential embedding the hook deep within the tail will reduce your chances of whipping the bait off. If you remove the "tail fan" this will emit a scent that also attracts fish.
1) Remove the tail fan at it's base
2) Lay the hook along side the shrimp to see where the hook should exit.
3) Like rigging a plastic worm push the hook into the center of the tail and thread the shrimp onto the shank. 4) Push the hook point through the center of the shrimps belly concealing the hook eye if desired.

Offset tail rig

A number of experts prefer tailhooking their shrimp in these situations, enabling the bait to swim in an almost unrestricted fashion. Furthermore, when a fish consumes the shrimp head first, the hook is easier to set because it protrudes from the baits tail in a straight, direct fashion.

Run the hook sideways through the base of the tail, just slightly ahead of the fan. The hook should be centered to maximize its holding potential during cast and strikes. This arrangement is also almost weedless due to the hook placement.

: Reference


Sometimes it's just too difficult to carry a live bait aerator. Here's how to keep your shrimp alive without one!
  1. Find a small ice cooler about 1 foot wide by 2 feet long.A styrofoam one will do just fine.
  2. Fill the ice cooler half full of crushed ice.Wet about one section (30 pages) of newspaper with the saltwater from the live shrimp tank.
  3. Place this paper securely one top of the ice.Make sure no ice is showing.
  4. Place the live shrimp you purchase on the newspaper with no water.
  5. Place the lid on the ice cooler and let the shrimp chill down.When you need a shrimp for bait, simply take one from the cooler. No water, no mess.


  1. The shrimp appear to go into some type of suspended state because of the cool down. When you place them on your hook and into he water, they immediately come back to life kicking.
  2. This method will last all day, even in hot weather, as long as the shrimp stay damp and chilled, and as long as they do not come in contact with the icy water below them.Keep the lid on that ice chest and drain the water frequently as the ice melts.
  3. What You Need is Small ice chest and newspaper

: Reference

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